I work with CEOs and company leaders to help them solve the specific challenges of today and tomorrow.

2020 - Elatia Abate

Are you getting ready to launch a new company, product, or project?

Are you eager to ensure your big “next step” for your organization is aligned with current and future trends… instead of anchored in old, no-longer-viable business models of the past?

I can help.

I offer support with strategic thinking, frameworks, and business model advisory that ensures your “next big thing” is built to last — instead of unintentionally launched with an expiration date already set.

Whether you’re a brand new organization, or a long-time institution bringing something fresh to the world, I’m here to help you position it for the economic, cultural, and social climate for the moment.

It’s easy for companies of every size to accidentally stunt their growth in the name of “the way they’ve always done things”. But that doesn’t have to be you.

I’ll help you and your organization identify exactly where you need to grow, shift, or change.

Let’s awaken you and your team to new possibilities.

How Future of Now Advisory works

My advisory work can be as short as a 90 minute strategic conversation, or as long as a 6 month or 12 month engagement, depending on your needs, and what you want to build.

Each experience is tailored to the organization based on the number and engagement level of employees, and changes required.